Stephen King Revisited Contest! Prizes Include A Signed Stephen King Book And More!
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If you are not receiving the updates via email, NOW is the time to sign-up because we’ll be giving away some GREAT prizes to randomly selected subscribers next week including a book SIGNED by STEPHEN KING!
(Already a subscriber? Then you’re good to go for this giveaway and there’s nothing else you need to do!)
* a signed 1st edition hardcover of REVIVAL by Stephen King
* $500 Cemetery Dance Gift Certificate
* a complete set of the Stephen King Doubleday Years Gift Editions (Carrie, ‘Salem’s Lot, The Shining, Night Shift, The Stand, and Pet Sematary), a combined retail value of more than $550!
* a FREE SIGNED LIMITED EDITION of your choice from our website
* a lifetime subscription to Cemetery Dance magazine
We’ll be selecting the winners at random sometime next week, so don’t wait to sign-up for our FREE email updates because you have nothing to lose!
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All decisions made by Cemetery Dance Publications are final. This contest may end at any time. Winners will be posted on after they are notified and confirm they are real human beings and not bots. Rules subject to change.
Wow! Awesome!
impressive collection of prizes! Cemetery Dance never ceases to amaze……
This is the best…and being done around the holidays makes it a nice gift.
These are awesome prizes!
Hmm – I thought I was already signed up. Guess I wasn’t. Glad to be part of this!
All I want for Christmas is a signed Stephen King book!
For my husband, for my husband, for my husband. X
An awesome list of prizes. Sending some mojo that my name is picked!
By the way the next book to be read The Shining, definitely in my Top 5 King reads!!!!
Winning this would be AWESOME ! !
Cemetery Dance is “KING”!!
Way Cool! Always wanted a signed Stephen King book! Will they still be doing the Gunslinger series as a group of movies, or an annual TV mini-series over 5 or 6 years, one mini-series each summer….. Just a thought, and I would be willing to be an extra in either one.
Great prizes! I would think that the complete SK Doubleday Years set would come closer to $1500 than $550? Maybe it was meant to be $1550?
The books are actually $85 each and there are 6 in the series. So the $550 is right on the mark. And, BTW – that’s the prize I WON !
Badass Contest!!!!!!
Awesome! All the prizes are cool!
Read my first Stephen King book when I was a young girl. Owned them all at one time, and lost all of them. I have only a few now and have to rebuild my collection from the bottom up.
***More book sales for you lol
I always wanted his autograph and to meet him, but on permanent disability, I can’t afford to.
Wow, those are amazing prizes. Crossing my fingers very hard.
Would love to win the signed book I wish every one luck
Prizes are astounding . . . really enjoying the “revisited” concept!
My 10 yr old granddaughter was down a month ago. She came to me and said “Memaw?- did you know that the book case with glass on it has NOTHING BUT STEPHEN KING BOOKS N STUFF in it???!!”
Yes! I answered and HOW GREAT would it be if I could show her a SIGNED BOOK!! Loving King since 1977!!
what an awesome contest!!!
Read “Revival” Very good. One of his best.
What a great Christmas present. My wife would not need to ask Santa for anything more (for ME!)
I’ve been a long time customer and know this is one very good company. This is one awesome Christmas giveaway. I hope I win!!
Would love to win! Of course! And can’t wait to read this book. It’s amazing that in his middle sixties that Stephen King has sped up and not settle down one bit…unbelievable. Love this man.
I have almost everythiing that the “master” has written (except a Christmas Story) but now that I am getting close to the end of my trail, my legagy to my daughter is my full library of SK. My son gets the rest of my 416 books.
What a great thing to add to my SK collection. Of course the other prizes are great also.
I would just LOVE to win the signed Stephen King book! He’s been my favorite writer since forever! Keeping my fingers crossed!
Revival is my new favorite S.K. book.
Santa. I’ve been a very good boy this year. I deserve this prize. Please?
I have wished on many stars, hopefully one finally caught my wish.
It would be GREAT to win one of these items. I am a long time fan of Sai King. It seems that his work just keeps getting better with age.
Great prizes overall, but if I win one of the magazine lifetime subscriptions, I hope I can gift it as I already have a lifetime subscrip I bought a few years ago when you had one of those deals
I would love to win this to give to my big Stephen King fan! We actually got to see Steve in Wichita last weekend, but didn’t get lucky enough to get one of our four copies of Revival signed!
So winning this would be a huge surprise to my fiancé. Btw, he was completely in awe just seeing him speak in person. It was truly a priceless moment.
So awesome! Here’s crossing my fingers! Good luck, everyone!
Lord almighty, those are some terrific prizes. Hold me now…I feel a swoon coming on…
Pingback: Richard Chizmar Reading ‘Salem’s Lot, Contest Update, Found Photos, and Following Richard | Stephen King Revisited
Anything King is welcome
Love His books. I pre ordered Revival, great book,
WHOA! Early Christmas for someone!!!
Wow, these prizes are amazing!
I hope that prizes are sent to the Netherlands? you fans are so lucky having it all there
To get up to date info on my favorite author and be eligible for a fabulous gift..priceless!!!
Ahh the prizes…..That would be wonderful to finally win something…and this is a BIIIIIg something
I won’t say it will never happen, but I will believe I’ve won something when I actually see it in my hands. However, it would be a marvelous first time occurrence for someone (like me) who love’s these books.
when will the people start getting notified?
We’re emailing the first group of winners today, thank you!
Fantastic and you are welcome, Brian!! Good luck to all the entrants!
Pingback: Stephen King Revisited Contest and Mr. Mercedes Still Discounted To $3.75! | Stephen King Revisited
I hope I win something anyway. I’ve been a King fan all of my life and a regular CD customer since the early 2000’s. I’m hoping but doubting as i’ve never won anything before and don’t expect to now. But happy surprises are always nice.
I am enjoying the articles here on Stephen King Revisited. I have been re-reading my Kings for the last month at the rate of one long one or two short ones a week. There are a few like IT, CHRISTINE and SALEM’S LOT that I have read 4 or more times each. I plan to rte-read THE SHINING followed by DR. SLEEP among the re-reads for this month.
Don’t think I’ve won anything since playing conkers on the school yard about 30 years ago‽ and I will never be able to afford to buy a signed King so this could end two ‘droughts’ in one!! Fingers crossed eh‽
I never win anything and I still haven’t. Love the website
OMG ! ! I finally received word of the winners. The complete set of the Stephen King Doubleday Years Gift Editions (Carrie, ‘Salem’s Lot, The Shining, Night Shift, The Stand, and Pet Sematary), a combined retail value of more than $550 is mine ! !
Thank you Stephen King Revisited and Cemetery Dance Publications !
Would Love to win a set of Stephen King books have bee a great fan and read all his books first then watch the movies
Wonderful prizes!! Great for Christmas!!
I am getting the updates and replies, sadly I wasn’t one of the chosen few to win a prize though. I’ll keep reading the posts anyway.
Pingback: Stephen King Revisited Updates and Mr. Mercedes Discounted To $3.75 For Those Who Like To Plan Ahead! | Stephen King Revisited
I have read every single Stephen King book and wait for his next one. He is my main author. ♥ his books. What a great prize to win. Awesome, both the author and the contest.