Richard Chizmar Reading Carrie In His Office
Richard Chizmar was caught reading on the job today. For the record, he’s on page 145 of 199:
This would be a great time for you to join in and read along! You can order an eBook and start right now, and Carrie won’t take you long to finish. Here are some links:
Barnes & Noble
After Carrie, Rich will be reading ‘Salem’s Lot and posting his thoughts by Thanksgiving here in the US. Here are the eBook store links if you want to snag a copy of Stephen King’s classic small town vampire novel:
Barnes & Noble
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There is nothing I would love more than having a job that required me to read fiction all day. *sigh*
Lost in the depth of Stephen King’s great work. I catch myself not wanting to put the book down, especially during the scary parts, or toward the end.
I find myself drawn to my own copy of Carrie. I last read it some time in the 1990’s. When my current book is finished …….
I just finished it last night and I found myself thinking that Carrie is probably the “most likely to happen” of all of King’s stories. Also, I hadn’t read it for a long time and it was interesting to me how different this one was than his newer books. He’s definitely grown into his writing style.
I am thinking REAL hard about joining in. I have at least one copy of every single SK book, so that’s taken care of. Also, I work nights at a desk. Ideal conditions, really.
That’s a first edition Carrie, does he know how much it’s worth? I have a signed one and has never been read, still in slipcase and don’t want to break the bind! Priceless
In the vein of most likely to happen…..
Please provide me with your address. I am going to straighten up those books!!! just imagine the spine lean!! have mercy on your books!
I just finished Carrie. It has been a few years since I read it, and even though I knew the story, I didn’t remember the details.
Did anyone else notice the George Chizmar mentioned in the book? Coincidence?…hmm!
Dude! Your office!
My office is a mess! Someone should come clean it!
Give me your address. That mess would drive me crazy man.
Rich…I’d be happy to relieve you of some of that mess! Feel free to send me anything in that mess that you no longer want. You have my address. No need to them me.. Its the least I can do.
“thank”, not “them”.