Richard Chizmar’s Stephen King Top Ten (Share Your List, Too!)
Yessss, I’m finished reading RAGE. As a matter of fact, I’m almost finished with NIGHT SHIFT, too. I’m just a bit behind in posting my thoughts because: a) the holidays; b) I’ve been busy writing the title novella for my next collection, A LONG DECEMBER; and c) I love the holidays and everything that comes with them, so I have been lazy.
It won’t happen again, I promise.
Okay, I lied. It will probably happen again.
Maybe even sooner than later.
Apologies in advance.
And because Brian Freeman suggested it, and because Brian Freeman is the technical brains behind this project and I have to listen to him, I am offering up my Top Ten Stephen King novels listed below (novels only, no collections, and in no particular order):
1) IT
12) 11/22/63
(See? I lied already. That’s 13 picks, not 10. And you can’t stop me!)
I’d love to hear your own Top Ten SK novels, so please post them when you get a free minute or two. I will be posting my thoughts on RAGE and NIGHT SHIFT in the next week or so. In the meantime, remember to follow me on Twitter if you do the Twitter thing.
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Vewy intewesting ordaw younk man!
I know you said — no particular order — but I loved that “It” was number one! My fave, absolute fave! Of course, I have read them all.
In no particular order, except for the number one spot which is taken by one of the greatest novels ever written:
10. RAGE
1. The Talisman
2. Carrie
3. Christine
4. Salems Lot
5. The Shining
6. It
7. Pet Sematary
8. The Darkhalf
9. The Stand
10. Cujo
11. The Dead Zone
12. The Tommyknockers
13. Thinner and all Bachman novels
Added Note: his Creepshow, Cycle of The Werewolf contributions and Eyes of The Dragon are a must mentioned, along with Kings many shorter stories and novellas…
I can live with that list. All of my favorites are on there except for Joyland and maybe Misery. For some reason Joyland hit me in a way few of his have during the past decade, except for possibly 11/22/63, which I consider to be one of the finest novels ever written.
Agreed joyland and 11.22.63 best more recent grabbers
Richard, I think you need to reconsider “The Long Walk”. I know you haven’t gotten to it on your re-read list, but I’m confident you’ll find it’s better than you remember. I was genuinely wow’d when I came back to it years later. It surely deserves to squeak in at #14 of your top 10.
As for my own top 10, here they are in no particular order… (aka: what comes to mind first)
1) It
2) The Stand
3) The Long Walk
4) Dark Tower: Drawing of the Three
5) Dark Tower: Wizard and Glass
6) The Shining
7) Revival (no, really!)
8) The Green Mile
9) Duma Key
10) The Talisman
11) Black House
12) Bag of Bones
13) The Dark Half
14) The Tommyknockers
15) Lisey’s Story
Geez that was hard after #5 or 6!! So many choices. So many feels.
Revival was just a boring book with no real action.
Totally agree! Most of his recent novels are boring…only exception is 11/22/63.
Well, to each his own I suppose. I just loved the homage to Frankenstein & Shelley herself. Loved the running commentary on the fallacies of organized religion. And while the action was definitely light, I found the slow (if obvious) build to the climax was half the fun… Jamie’s story begins under the literal shadow of Pastor Danny & symbolically never gets out from under it, very much like the narrator at the end of Poe’s “Raven”. It was a Journey, not a Destination for me. And that ending! One of the top creepiest descriptions of the afterlife ever.
#1 is a toss up for me, between The Gunslinger (first in series) And It. The other 9 include the rest of the Dark Tower series in no particular order and The Stand. The Stand And the Dark Tower Series are some of the very few( and I read voraciously!) books that make me cry. Bag of Bones is very good, as is 11/22/63. I have heartily enjoyed ALL of his writings, and hope to keep reading him in future. Just finished Revival and enjoyed it tremendously!
Also in no particular order …
1. IT
2. Misery
3. Pet Sematary
4. Eyes of the Dragon
5. The Shining
6. 11/22/63
7. The Stand
8. Needful Things
9. Dolores Claiborne
10. Dreamcatcher
Ask me tomorrow and you might get a slightly different list, but not by much.
1. The Tommyknockers
2. Sales lot
3. Carrie
4. The Shining
5. The Stand
6. It
7. Gerald Game
8. Duma Key
9. Cujo
10. Pet Sematary
In NO order : ‘salems lot, the shining , pet sematary,christine,duma key ,It, doctor sleep,the stand, 11/22/63,
dolores claiborne
Hard to resist the lure of a top-ten list:
(01) It
(02) The Dead Zone
(03) The Gunslinger (preferably the original version)
(04) The Shining
(05) The Waste Lands
(06) The Drawing of the Three
(07) Wizard and Glass
(08) 11/22/63
(09) The Long Walk
(10) The Green Mile
I feel bad for not being able to find room for Duma Key. And Carrie. And Pet Sematary. And The Stand. And Misery. And Salem’s Lot.
And…well, I guess I’ve got to stop somewhere.
It would be like picking out your favorite child. They’re all up there, each in it’s own special way.
Here are my top ten SK books. Even though some of them are on that list you gave.
1. Deloris Claiborne
2. The Green Mile
3. The Tommyknockers
4. 11/22/63
5. Pet Sematary
6. Night Shift
7. Needful Things
8. The Shining
9. Storm of the Century
10. Under The Dome
Oooh…I forgot about Dolores Claiborne…that one is definitely a runner-up in my top 10!
Hmmm, that’s a thought provoking challenge: I love all of SK’s books, but my top ten would have to be:
01) The Stand
02) Salem’s Lot
03) The Shining
04) Dr Sleep
05) Carrie
06) It
07) The Green Mile
08) Mr Mercedes
09) Revival
10) The Dark Tower Series
I realise the DT series is more than one book, but I cannot pick just one from the series.
My top 10 SK books are thus:
1. The Dark Tower
2. The Stand
3. The Talisman
4. Misery
5. Bag of Bones
6. The Green Mile
7. It
8. Salem’s Lot
9. The Shining
10. The Dead Zone
My favorites in order are 1. The Stand, 2. The Dark Tower series, 3. It, 4. Doctor Sleep, 5. Thinner, 6. Desperation, 7. The Cell, 8. 11.22.63. 9. Carrie, 10T Under the Dome, 10T Duma Key, 10T Firestarter.
top 10 picks.
1. The Stand… far and away my favorite!
the rest in no particular order
Needful things
The Girl Who Loved Tom Gordon
Bag of Bones
Duma Key
So glad to someone else besides me included Insomnia!
Insomnia is definitely another favorite that, even though it wasn’t in my top 10, it is definitely one of my favorites.
YIKES I don’t know HOW I left out the Regulators. LOVED that book!
Ok, Rich, you got this all turned around. In no particular order, Gerald’s Game, Misery, It, Cujo, Christine, Needful Things, Bag of Bones, Tommyknockers, Pet Sematary and Different Seasons. Don’t make me have to tell you again!
okay Richard. Thanks for the list. we have now eliminated 17 books you have read. Narrows the contest choices
1. The Stand
2. The Dead Zone
3. The Shining
4. Pet Sematary
5. Christine
6. Firestarter
7. 11/22/63
8. Rage
9. The Talisman
0. Revival
Wolves of the Calla, Drawing of the 3, From a Buick 8. Desperation & Regulators, Talisman & Black House, Misery, Salem’s Lot, The Shining, The Gunslinger, Different Seasons, to name a few. Thanks for your top 13! I will scratch them off my Guess List. lol
1. The Stand
2. Wizard and Glass
3. It
4. Roadwork
5. The Shining
6. Duma Key
7. Desperation
8. Insomnia
9. Drawing of the Three
10. The Talisman
and since Richard did it….
11. Dead Zone
12. Firestarter
13. Pet Sematary
Even though I cheated, it is amazing how many great books didn’t make my list.
I have the same top 3 (different order though. Switch IT and The Stand and you’ve got it). Glad I’m not the only one who loved Wizard and Glass…it’s my favorite in the series.
SO Hard to pick.. 1. Pet Sementary (just pure perfection, it’s views on parenting are truth) 2. The Stand 3. The Shining 4. The Dark Tower the original (the end blew my mind) 5. On Writing ( I know a documentary but I use this critique when I read and it turned me on to Harry Potter) and in no particular order 6. It 7. Dr. Sleep 8. Carrie (because it started it all) 9. Hearts in Atlantis 10 DreamCatcher
Good list, IMHO
My SK top 10 in no particular order
IT – I was definitely a Loser!
Bag of Bones
Hearts in Atlantis
Different Seasons
The Stand
Firestarter – this one hooked me forever!
The Talisman
Pet Sematary – Scared the Hell out of Me!
I’ve read so many since I grew up on SK but still have quite a few to tackle, including this past year’s latest entries. So as of today, here goes (novels only):
1. Cujo
2. Carrie
3. It
4. The Shining
5. ‘Salem’s Lot
6. 11/22/63
7. Pet Semetary
8. Christine
9. The Dead Zone
10. The Tommyknockers
It – it’s simply the best coming of age story ever told
The Stand – Post-apocalyptic masterpiece and cautionary tale of Good vs. Evil
The Talisman – I still want to be Travelin’ Jack
Running Man – Incredible story that was an awful movie in spite of including Richard Dawson
The Shining – No American ghost story can compare and a very real destruction of a family
11/22/63 – Aside from the doorway into another world in the diner, the rest is very plausible SciFi
Different Seasons – Rita Hayworth and The Body. Two fantastic movie adaptions that no one knew S. King wrote until the credits.
The Green Mile – Read the first installment on my engagement weekend to my wife. How could anyone let John Coffey be killed?
Joyland – Another coming of age story wrapped inside a mystery. I would have liked to have worked at Joyland just one summer.
Dr. Sleep – The first in what I hope will be S. King’s revisitation to some of my favorite characters. Next, what are Stu and Frannie doing in Boulder these days?
Richard, thanks for the inspiration to walk down memory lane. Now back to page 150 of Revival.
Just ten? Honestly, I can’t limit my list like that. And some of the collections – well, let’s just say they deserve to be counted too… so those will appear at the end of my list.
1 Duma Key (far and away, has to be my number one pick, because Duma Key sneaks up on you from behind… it’s best read with the lights on.) Others in no particular order – because it changes every day… numbers are for tracking purposes only…
2. The Stand (expanded version)
3. Needful Things
4. It
5. The Talisman
6. The Shining
7. Cujo
8. Misery
9. The Green Mile
10. Black House
(and because I’m not alone here)
11. The Dark Half
12.The Tommyknockers
13. The Dark Tower series… I still have two to go, but have loved all the ones I’ve read, including The Dark Tower: The Wind Through the Keyhole; cannot pick one over the others…
14.4 Past Midnight
15. Skeleton Crew (probably my first Stephen King book that I read, but most certainly not the last.)
16. Night Shift
Fought with myself for an hour and this was the result:
SALEMS LOT – you never forget your first SK book, or your first Glick.
THE SHINING – my house, though much smaller, seemed to enlarge when I was alone in it: the basement was room 217, and the shadows could’ve been little girls….or worse.
11/22/63 – wow: historical fiction, suspense and maybe SK’s most emotional love story (with apologies to Lisey’s Story).
IT – Pennywise may be his scariest creation; and since I couldn’t pick the Body boys, I choose these.
CHRISTINE – everything I was thinking about being the teenager I was then.
JOYLAND – it’s The Summer Of ’42 meets my first heartbreak on the North Carolina coast; it will surprise (and move) you.
NEEDFUL THINGS – so wickedly funny, and scary.
PET SEMATARY what wouldn’t a father do? Ok, on second thought….
DRAWING OF THE THREE – the best of the series; and one of the best of all.
MISERY – as I was reading, I wondered if that’s what SK thought of me, a constant reader; tied with The Stand, Duma Key, The Green Mile, Firestarter and special mention to Anthologies (“…they taste just like lady-fingers”) and On Writing which are scary good in their own “write”.
All good lists; did we all choose The Stand? Hands down that’s my favorite (the uncut version); second would be The Talisman. Third and on would be the entire Dark Tower series, though I also have a soft spot for Eyes of the Dragon.
It’s *OLD* school and *NEW* school. IT/LOT/SHINING/STAND/Talism/Buick8…. Take a pick. Anywhere on that list. …*MID* is weak…Joyland/11/ really good recent to bring back. … Insomnia my fav,… reason….
Here is my list:
1. The Dark Tower Series (yea I know whole series , but I don’t care it is my list so nah-nah.)
2. The Stand
3. IT
4. ‘Salem’s Lot
5. Hearts In Atlantis (especially Low Men In Yellow Coats)
6. The Dead Zone
7. From A Buick 8
8. Lisey’s Story
9. Christine
10. Misery
11. Pet Semetery
Oh crap I forgot The Shining and Dr. Sleep. I also love Mr. Mercedes and Revival, but they are too new to go on a favorite list.
No Carrie?
My top 10 favorite SK novels ( in no particular order)
– The Shining
– The Stand
– The Dark Tower series ( didn’t want it to end!)
– Pet Semetary
– It
– 11/22/63
– The Talisman/Black House
– Misery
– Needful Things
– Under The Dome
My top Ten in no particular order are:
The Stand
The Green Mile
Bag of Bones
The Shining
Duma Key
The Dark Tower Three The Wastelands
Salems Lot
The Talisman
Wow sohard to choose
Salems lot
Dr Sleep
Under the dome
Dark tower series (one continous novel!!)
Dolores claibourne
The stand
Blaze…yes loved it!!! Especially the audio version
The Kennedy time machine one!
The running man
Life’s story
The dark half
Pet cemetery
The shining
Couldn’t nail it down to just ten..
And Christine!!!!!!
Hello, my top ten Stephen King books are:
1. It
2. The Dark Tower series
3. Desperation
4. Insomnia
5. The Stand
6. Lisey’s Story
7. The Talisman
8. Duma Key
9. The Regulators
10. The Long Walk
Thanks for all of your great books Stephen!!!
Top Ten (including collections)
1 – The Stand
2 – The Dead Zone
3 – Salem’s Lot
4 – Different Seasons
5 – Misery
6 – The Shining
7 – Joyland
8 – Cell
9 – Hearts in Atlantis
10 – Night Shift
Since SK himself has said that the Dark Tower series is really one long novel, I don’t feel there’s any problem including the whole series as one entry, so with that in mind, here’s my list, pretty much in order:
1) The Dark Tower
2) The Talisman
3) The Long Walk
4) IT
5) The Shining
6) Insomnia
7) Misery
8) Rose Madder
9) Firestarter
10) The Regulators
I can’t choose a top ten. Can I just say ‘all of the above’?
I do have a soft spot for The Girl Who Loved Tom Gordon.
I have a soft spot for The Girl Who Loved Tom Gordon too…I read it only a few years ago for the first time and I still think about it from time to time. It’s definitely a good one!
Neither can I choose…there are just too many good one…….my soft spot is for The Green mile………
My present Top 10 Stephen King Novels are:1: The Stand (preferably The Uncut/Less Edited Edition)
2: Duma Key
3: It
4:The Shining
6:The Green Mile
7:The Drawing of The Three
10:The Wolves of The Calla
1) It
2) 11-22-63
3) The Stand
4) Pet Sematary
5) Doctor Sleep
6) Gerald’s Game
7) The Girl Who Loved Tom Gordon
8) ‘Salems Lot
9) Under The Dome
10) Needful Things
P.S. — High Honorable Mention to “Cell.” It just didn’t come off as well as anticipated, even though the sentiment of blowing up the head of all cell phone users is truly worthy and appreciated.
My list (for today at least):
The Long Walk
Pet Sematary
The Body
‘Salem’s Lot
Bag of Bones
The Shining
The Mist
Top Ten is easy, how about Bottom Three. The ones you read once and said … I expected more.
Liseys’ Story
Duma Key
Rose Madder
Which is interesting because, when asked, Stephen King says Lisey’s Story is his favorite.
In no particular order:
Bag of Bones
The Dark Tower Series (They’re one huge novel to me…but if I had to pick just one, it would be Wizard and Glass)
Pet Sematary
Skeleton Crew
The Shining
The Green Mile
On Writing
I think my own, on-going reread of all of his books will likely bump Duma Key and Lisey’s Story into this list – maybe Joyland as well – although I have no idea what would move down….
TOP SHELF KING (alphabetical order, after #1)
#1 The Stand
Black House
Danse Macabre
Dead Zone, The
Different Seasons
Duma Key
Night Shift
On Writing
‘Salem’s Lot
Shining, The
Waste Lands, The
Wizard & Glass
Its hard to pick 10 favorites when you love them all but here it goes..
The Stand
Salem’s Lot
Pet Semetary
The Talisman
Duma Key
Ask me again & my list might change!
Well, it’s funny that the post above mine from blugilliand is positioned so. I was reading all the lists and I have to echo what he said.
My number 1 is The Dark Tower “Octology”. I too, consider it one, “Tolstoyesue” novel. I sat on Blaine the Train for so many years wondering what was going to happen and then SK had the horrible accident and he picked it back up with Wizard and Glass. It’s just a classic story that will undoubtedly be considered one of the greatest works of this era. I can see college students readiing, learning and debating meanings in a U. of Maine class in the year 2215 like they do with Shakespear, Dickens, Tolstoy and other greats today. Talk about a legacy!
I’m not going to do 10 but The Stand would have to be second. 11/22/63 jumped directly into my top 5 as soon as I closed it (and wiped my eyes…must have been a piece of dirt!). I’m jazzed to see Pet Semetery in so many lists. Definitely a top 5 and I get funny looks when I tell people that. I wonder if they only saw the movie….? You have to walk over that brushpile at night with something dead in your arms while you hear otherworldly sounds and see glowing eyes to truly get the gist of that story!! Chilling…
Regardless of ranking, I can honestly say I haven’t read one I didn’t like.
While I was writing my post, it’s obvious a couple of other folks were writing faster! Also, my made up word to describe The Dark Tower was meant to be “Tolstoyesque”.
Actually, Richard I think you lied twice. You said no collections, but Hearts in Atlantis is a collection.
Here’s my top 10 (in order)
The Stand
The Dark Tower Series (the whole collection as one)
The Green Mile
Pet Sematary
The Talisman
Insomnia (Yes, I know I’m the only one on the planet that will include this in the top 10, but I loved it)
Under the Dome
The Tommyknockers
Salem’s Lot
The Stand
The Shining
Danse Macabre
Eyes of the Dragon
The Gree Mile
Needful Things
Green,not Gree. My N must be broke. Great short story by Stephen by the way!(“N”, that is)
Agreed, great book (I read it serially and THAT was cool!). Also a great movie. How many know that The Shawshank Redemption is the #1 movie on’s Top 250? Check it out…also, The Green Mile is at #43 and The Shining is at #58. Not too long ago, they were all in the top 50 but the last two have been pushed down a bit recently. Not too shabby for “just a horror writer”!
1) IT
3) 11/22/63
4) THE DARK TOWER (as a whole)
10) CUJO (because it was my first…)
My list, in order, is a follows:
1. Bag of Bones
2. Dolores Claiborne
3. IT
4. Misery
5. Pet Semetary
6. The Stand
7. Salem’s Lot
8. Carrie
9. Cujo
10. Firestarter
Here it goes for me…
IT doesn’t count, because, for me, IT i’s simply the best.
So. top ten, chronological order:
In my opinion, the writer’s Bible ON WRITING, is a yearly mandatory re-read. I wish there was a church where we could chant: “Read, read, read widely…” every Sunday!
I too had a hard time limiting it to 10 –
The Stand
The Dead Zone
The Green Mile
‘Salem’s Lot
The Dark Tower – entire series
This list is NOT in order
Another not in order post – mainly because it changes from day to day.
The Stand
Dead Zone
The Drawing Of The Three
The Shining
Salem’s Lot
Pet Sematary – damn this book is dark. The blip when Louis pulls the cotton from Gage’s mouth in the cemetery – gives me chills every time!
Bag Of Bones
The Long Walk * – an overlooked gem.
The Green Mile
Honourable mention has to go to – On Writing – it’s not a novel otherwise it would at the top of my list.
Notable absence from the top ten – IT – a great book but for me it’s always hobbled because the characters don’t remember what happened.
Your list of the top 13 is great. My list is similar–although number 1 is The Stand, and number 2 is The Shining. 3 is The Dead Zone.
If anyone cares, my list is as follows:
1. The Stand (the original, not the bloated version)
2. It
3. The Dark Tower series
4. Pet Sematary
5. The Shining
6. ‘Salem’s Lot
7. Christine
8. Under the Dome
9. From a Buick 8
10. Bag of Bones
Story collections: Different Seasons
With co-author: The Talisman
1 The Dark Tower series (I can’t pick a specific book as they’re one big story anyway)
2 The Stand
3 It
4 The Green Mile
5 Lisey’s Story
6 The Shining
7 Desperation
8 Carrie
9 The Talisman
10 Duma Key
favorite short story/novella: The Body
favorite story collection: Different Seasons
I love the Dark Tower series but the # 12) 11/22/63 is the BEST!!!
My top ten…
1. 11/22/63
2.The Dark Tower series.
3.Doctor Sleep.
4.The Eyes of the Dragon.
5.Gerald’s Game.
6.The Regulators.
7.The Green Mile.
8.Mr. Mercedes.
9. Revival.
10. Insomnia.
My Top Ten
1. The Dark Tower Series
2. It
3. Salem’s Lot
4. The Dead Zone
5. The Stand
6. Christine
7. The Shining
8. The Long Walk
9. Misery.
10. Pet Sematary
I love that so many of you posted your own lists — thank you!
Books on my Honorable Mention list include: THE LONG WALK (hard to believe he wrote it at such a young age ), MISERY (so hard to leave off my top list ), INSOMNIA (I know I’m in the minority here, but I loved it ), JOYLAND (such a cool , sentimental story), and REVIVAL (a LOT happens in this book, right below the surface).
My actual list. Havent read all novels yet. Top 11 with collections, because i love the shorties just too much *__*
1) The Running Man
2) Liseys Story
3) The Dark Tower Series
4) Salems Lot
5) Skeleton Crew
6) 11/22/63
7) IT
8) Night Shift
9) Stark – The Dark Half
10) The Long Walk
11) Shining
9998) Thinner
9999) Cell
1. IT (no question)
2. The Stand
3. 11/22/63
4. Salem’s Lot
5. Pet Sematary
6. Misery
7. The Green Mile
8. Revival
9. The Shining
10. Dark Tower Series
11. The Girl who loved Tom Gordon
12. Lisey’s Story
13. Dolores Claiborne
Richard – This is a great list! IT, THE SHINING, THE DEAD ZONE, THE STAND, HEARTS IN ATLANTIS, THE GREEN MILE and THE LONG WALK are definitely in my top tier. When I first read CHRISTINE as a teenager, it was at the top of my list… but I was under-whelmed when I re-read it a few years ago. Also, I have read JOYLAND twice, and it definitely has a place in my top ten. FROM A BUICK 8 and INSOMNIA are two of King’s most intriguing books, but they don’t quite work for me. I’m looking forward to reading what you have to say about them. Have Brian Freeman and Bev Vincent created top ten lists??
I have not. I don’t do top X lists, I’m afraid. My mind doesn’t work that way. I can’t rank things in order or pick favorites. Is this number 6 or 7? It would take me years!
1 The Stand – Complete Uncut
2 The Shining
3 Pet Semetary
4 Desperation
5 The Regulators – Bachman – #4&5 are def’ly in my TOP FIVE, but it’s not easy!
6 The Dead Zone
7 Needless Things
8 The Dark Tower Series – Roland Jake Oy Eddie Susannah Blaine – all things serve the Beam so all are one!
9 Cujo
10 Firestarter
11 On Writing – his side of the story
12 Different Seasons – namely “The Shawshank Redemption”
13 The Green Mile series of little books
A lot has to do with when you read them! I associate times in my life with each of his books.
Needless Things (lol) should be Needful Things. Can you tell I’m working on Discarding as my New Year’s Resulution? Freudian slip.
In no particular order, except for #1 because it just is…
1. Eyes of the Dragon
2. It
3. The Stand
4. 11/22/63
5. Hearts in Atlantis
6. Pet Semetary (my first SK read at age 13)
7. Drawing of the Three
8. Wizards and Glass
9. The Green Mile
10. Misery
I like the idea of a Top 13 Stephen King books. It’s fitting. Here’s mine:
(Only the first three are in order. After that it’s just too hard)
1. The Stand
2. It
3. Bag of Bones
4. 11/22/63
5. The Shining
6. Needful Things
7. Duma Key
8. The Dead Zone
9. Desperation
10. Dolores Claiborne
11. The Eyes of the Dragon
12. The Green Mile
13. The Dark Tower IV: Wizard and Glass
I’m going to cheat and put the entire Dark Tower series as number 1. Cumulatively they are the greatest story ever written IMO and if I were forced to choose one over the others it would be the wolves of the calla, my single favorite book ever.
2. The Stand, the next greatest book after the Dark Tower series.
3. It
4. The Shining, scariest book I ever read, still bothers me.
5. Salem’s Lot
6. The Long Walk
7. Insomnia
8. 11/22/63
9. Misery
10. Needful Things
11. The Dead Zone
12. Eyes of the Dragon
13. The Green Mile
Honorable mention goes to Firestarter, which is the first King book I read.
I came to this party about three weeks late but wanted to join in the reading. I thought I might could catch up and read along. I revisit SK’s novels frequently and in chronological order but this would be the first time I had done it with other Constant Readers. So, early this morning, about 3 am, I finished “The Talisman” and started “Thinner.” Am I the only one still playing?
I hope we’re not the only ones still playing! There haven’t been any updates for a while. I’m almost done with The Stand (original) so I hope Richard is still reading too.
I’m still in the game. I just finished Firestarter and started Roadwork today.
No particular order…
Dolores Clairborne (loved that it was one chapter long!)
11/22/63 (best new book he’s written in a long time)
Drawing of the Three (favorite book in a favorite series)
The Shining (still the scariest book I’ve ever read)
The Stand -uncut version
Hearts in Atlantis
Gerald’s Game (so scary because this could happen to anyone)
Needful Things
The Body and/or Rita Hayworth and the Shawshank Redemption (both books so good, and surprises people that they are written by SK
Well here’s my top ten list
1 It
2 The Dark Tower(the whole series)
3 Pet Sematary
4 Thinner
5 Different Seasons
6 Dolores Claiborne
7 11.22.63
8 Bag of Bones
9 Insomnia
10 Christine & The Long Walk
1. The entire Dark Tower series.
2. IT
3. Lisey’s Story
4. Just after Sunset
5. Skeleton Crew
6. Everything’s Eventual
7. Night Shift
8. Duma Key
9. Misery
10. Rose Madder
1. Dark Tower series
2. It
3. Green Mile
4. Pet Sematary
5. The Stand
6. Salem’s Lot
7. 11/22/63
8. The Shining
9. Thinner
10. Firestarter
Mine in no particular order:
The Shining
Night Shift
Full Dark No Stars
Pet Sematery
Dead Zone
Skeleton Crew
Dolores Claiborne
1) IT
2) The Stand
3) The Eyes of the Dragon
4) The Gunslinger
5) The Waste Lands
6) Night Shift
7) Cycle of the Werewolf
8) The Shining
9) Insomnia
10) The Green Mile
Ok, I haven’t read them all (only about 50 of them
1: The Stand
2: The Shinning
3: ‘Salem’s Lot
4: The Gunslinger
5: Firestarter
6: The Dead Zone
7: Different Seasons
8: Misery
9: Talisman
10: Pet Sematary
honorable mentions to: Chrstine, It, The waste lands, Bag of Bones.
Although I am only half way through Under the dome, and haven’t read any of the later novels (except joyland). I have read all his previous fiction. Seems telling that of my top 10 and honorable mentions, on one book was written in the last 25 years or so.
Should also mention that The Stand isn’t just my favorite SK book, but my favorite book period.
Good list, most of yours are on mine as well.
1) IT
2) Pet Sematary
3) Salem’s Lot
4) 11/22/63
5) The Dead Zone
6) Needful Things
7) The Stand
8) Cujo
9) Carrie
10) The Dark Tower (I’m counting all 7 books as
One Epic Tale)
1. It
2. The Shining
3. Hearts in Atlantis
4. Insomnia
5. Black House
6. Eyes of the Dragon
7. The Girl Who Loved Tom Gordon
8. The Dark Tower: Wolves of the Calla
9. The Dark Tower: The Drawing of the Three
10. The Dark Tower: The Waste Lands
1. The Girl Who Loved Tom Gordon
2. ‘Salem’s Lot
3. The Stand
4. The Green Mile
5. On Writing: A Memoir of the Craft
6. The Shining
7. Carrie
8. Different Seasons
9. The Long Walk
10. The Dead Zone
11. The Tommyknockers
12. The Waste Lands
13. Mile 81
1. IT
2. Pet Sematary
3. The Dark Tower Series
4. The Talisman
5. The Stand
6. Misery
7.The Green Mile
8 Insomnia
9. Duma Key
10. Thinner
I love all King books except “Revival.” I was so disappointed!
My top 10.
1. The Stand
2. The Shining and Dr Sleep (read together)
3. The Talisman and Black House (again together)
4. The Dark Tower (series)
5. Pet Sematary
6. 11/22/63
7. Salem’s Lot
8. Desperation
9. Firestarter
10. Cujo
(It, Lisey’s Story, and on and on,,,)
Wow! This is so very hard to list just 10! But OK I’m willing to give it a shot……so here goes (In no particular order!)
1. Salem’s Lot
2. IT
3. Pet Sematary…….or is it Semetery?
4. Misery
5. Dolores Claybourne
6. Needful Things
7. The Stand
8. The Dead Zone
9. The Mist
10. Carrie
The Bachman Books (all)…..Night-Shift….Hearts in Atlantis….Bag of Bones….Dream Catcher….etc, etc, etc! Oh my my my…..there are way too many to pick just ten……:-(
I love lists. When compiling this, I tried to recall how each book affected me at the time when I read it and then factored in how much I still think of them.
1. ‘Salem’s Lot
2. The Stand
3. Bag of Bones
4. The Talisman
5. 11/22/63
6. The Green Mile
7. Hearts in Atlantis (I don’t consider this to be a compilation, they are all parts of one)
8. DT: The Drawing of the Three
9. DT: Song of Susannah
10. Insomnia
Very difficult to come up with 10. In order written, not preference (novels only):
1. ‘Salem’s Lot
2. The Stand
3. The Dead Zone
4. Christine
5. Pet Sematary
6. The Eyes of the Dragon
7. The Green Mile
8. Hearts in Atlantis
9. 11/22/63
10. Joyland
Honorable Mention: IT and The Talisman
I won’t even attempt to rank these. But these are pretty solidly my top 10:
Salem’s Lot
The Stand
The Dead Zone
The Talisman
The Eyes of the Dragon
The Green Mile
Night Shift
Pretty much in order:
1. Salem’s Lot
2. It
3. On Writing
4. The Shining
5. The Stand
6. Joyland
7. The Mist
8. The Girl Who Loved Tom Gordon
9. Dr Sleep
10. From A Buick 8
1. Lisey’s story
2. The long walk
3. From a Buick 8
4. Rose Madder
5. Gerald’s Game
7. It
8. Tommyknockers
9. Dreamcatcher
10. Christine
The girl who Loved Tom Gordon and hearts I’m Atlantis are also pretty up there for me. I had to mention them
As with others, this is in no particular order:
1-The Stand
3-Doloris Clayborn
5-The Green Mile
8-The Dead Zone
9-Bag of Bones
10-The Dark Tower Series (yes, I know this one’s a cheat because it’s several books but they are in the long run an inescapeable part of most of his works)
It was difficult to not include some of his short story and novella collections as I’ve loved a number of them too; perhaps another list.
Looking at some other people’s choices I was taken aback at how many of his novels I have yet to read…well not really a lot but… The only one I won’t most likely tackle is Pet Sematary; I’ve been told by EVERYONE who has read it that you will never feel the same about your pet after reading it, and I love my dog too dearly to have creepy feelings come between us.
Oops, forgot to include Dreamcatcher. Well I guess it has to be 11
I never have the time to read SK novels really, maybe 1 or 2 of the individual stories in collections. So, I haven’t even read half of them, maybe just over the requested 10. That said, I’ll work it out as I make my absolute favorites list.
1. The Stand (movie first though, but the book filled everything in nicely. Also, my favorite movie of all time.)
2. The Green Mile (Kind of a “collection” of sorts, and watched a tiny bit of the movie prior to reading, but the book is what interested me in watching the rest of the movie)
3. Rita Hayworth and Shawshank Redemption
4. Christine (again, movie first. It scared the daylights out of me as a 3 year old. My mom wanted to prevent me from being the girly shrieker at the theater, so she started me watching horror when I was old enough to sit still. I watched “The Exorcist” when it came out on video when I was 5. While I love to read, movies are originally what set my horror preference at a young age. And, yes, her tactic worked. Although, I didn’t watch it again until I was an adult and allowed my own children to watch with me. Bad idea, and I have to wonder; was my mother insane? haha Typically, I will watch a movie first, then read the book. I find it helps me to “connect w/characters” easier)
5. Danse Macabre (There’s just something about reading your favorite author’s, run-down of your favorite genre, and agreeing wholeheartedly)
6. Firestarter (The first novel I read and at the age of 9. It was my mother’s, and she had passed away a few years earlier. I knew she loved SK, knew she loved the movie, so I started reading it one day while missing her.)
7. Cujo (also my mother’s, but I read this one at around 15 yrs old)
8. Eyes of the Dragon (found this in some obscure book store, the kind that’s dark, dusty and creepy. Where you would expect to accidentally stumble on some spellbook or something. I was in Chicago for job training and bored to death in the evenings. So, I grabbed a cab and said “take me to a bookstore” and this is where we ended up. It doesn’t really matter where I’m at though, if it’s a SK book; I’ll buy it every time)
9. Pet Sematary (again, my mother’s. I read this immediately after finishing “Firestarter”
10. The Body (mostly because I was thrilled that they came out with a movie and that it stared the current “heartthrob” of my time, River Phoenix, but I had read the short many years before)
11. Dreamcatcher
12. Needful Things
13. Rose Madder (It was really a toss-up/tie between the last 3, and well, you got 13! haha
I´m a Cuban Constant Reader of Sai King. I started reading his books in 1990 and I´ve read almost all of them so far, with a few exceptions like Faithful, The Secretary of Dreams, Six Scary Stories and Flight or Fright. Thanks to my friends abroad (in the US, the UK and Germany) I have had the oportunity to enjoy those great and wonderful stories because only one of his book have been published in Cuba, it was The Shining (El Resplandor) translated into Spanish.
My top ten are:
2-The Stand
3-¨Salem´s Lot
5-The Shining
6-Different Seasons
7-The Dark Half
8-The Long Walk
9-Duma Key
10-Everything´s Eventual
My list is only 8 deep. In no particular order
Salem’s Lot– my intro to King
Pet Sematary– his scariest
The Green Mile– I cried at the end
The Dead Zone– I’ve been told I look like Christopher Walken
I hated The Stand. Not crazy about The Shining. I found IT boring, so never finished it. The Talisman was garbage. Most of the others I haven’t read. I loved Shawshank, The Body, and Apt Pupil from Different Seasons.
Garbage? Really?
Top Ten – order probably askew. Listening to them all on audiobook so list will likely change.
1. IT
2. The Stand
3. The Long Walk
4. The Gunslinger
5. Wizard and Glass (love young Roland and his pals)
6. The Green Mile
7. The Running Man
8. The (first half of the) Dark Half – legitimately frightening
9. Misery
10. The Dead Zone