Stephen King Books In Chronological Order

Here is the list of Stephen King’s books we’re reading as part of Stephen King Revisited, along with links to the essays and other content we have posted for each book.

Carrie (1974)
Historical Essay * Richard’s Thoughts * Guest Essay by Ray Garton * Richard’s follow-up
‘Salem’s Lot (1975)
Historical Essay * Richard’s Thoughts * Guest Essay by Christopher Golden
The Shining (1977)
Historical Essay * Richard’s ThoughtsGuest Essay by Michael Koryta
Rage (1977)
Historical Essay * Richard’s Thoughts * Guest Essay by Norman Prentiss
Night Shift (1978)
Historical Essay * Richard’s Thoughts * Guest Essay by Brian Keene
The Stand (1978)
Historical Essay * Richard’s Thoughts * Guest Essay by Josh Boone
The Long Walk (1979) [by Richard Bachman]
Historical Essay * Richard’s Thoughts * Guest Essay by Ed Gorman
The Dead Zone (1979)
Historical Essay * Richard’s Thoughts * Guest Essay by Chet Williamson
Firestarter (1980)
Historical Essay * Richard’s Thoughts * Guest Essay by Ian Rogers
Roadwork (1981) [by Richard Bachman]
Historical Essay * Richard’s Thoughts * Guest Essay by JD Barker
Danse Macabre (1981)
Historical Essay * Richard’s Thoughts * Guest Essay by Hank Wagner
Cujo (1981)
Historical Essay * Richard’s Thoughts * Guest Essay by Kealan Patrick Burke
The Running Man (1982) [by Richard Bachman]
Historical Essay * Richard’s Thoughts
The Dark Tower: The Gunslinger (1982)
Historical Essay * Richard’s Thoughts * Guest Essay by Bev Vincent
Different Seasons (1982)
Historical Essay * Richard’s Thoughts
Christine (1983)
Historical Essay * Richard’s Thoughts * Guest Essay by James Newman
Cycle of the Werewolf (1983)
Historical Essay * Richard’s Thoughts
Pet Sematary (1983)
Historical Essay * Richard’s Thoughts * Guest Essay by Stewart O’Nan
The Eyes of the Dragon (1984)
Historical Essay * Richard’s Thoughts * Guest Essay by Joseph Madden
The Talisman (1984) with Peter Straub
Historical Essay * Richard’s Thoughts
Thinner (1984) [by Richard Bachman]
Skeleton Crew (1985)
IT (1986)
The Dark Tower: The Drawing of the Three (1987)
Misery (1987)
The Tommyknockers (1987)
The Dark Half (1989)
The Stand: The Complete & Uncut Edition (1990)
Four Past Midnight (1990)
The Dark Tower: The Waste Lands (1991)
Needful Things (1991)
Gerald’s Game (1992)
Dolores Claiborne (1992)
Nightmares & Dreamscapes (1993)
Insomnia (1994)
Rose Madder (1995)
The Green Mile (1996)
Desperation (1996)
The Regulators (1996) [by Richard Bachman]
The Dark Tower: Wizard and Glass (1997)
Bag of Bones (1998)
The Girl Who Loved Tom Gordon (1999)
Hearts in Atlantis (1999)
Storm of the Century (1999)
On Writing: A Memoir of the Craft (2000)
Dreamcatcher (2001)
Black House (2001) with Peter Straub
Everything’s Eventual (2002)
From a Buick 8 (2002)
The Dark Tower: Wolves of the Calla (2003)
The Dark Tower: Song of Susannah (2004)
The Dark Tower: The Dark Tower (2004)
Faithful (2004) with Stewart O’Nan
The Colorado Kid (2005)
Cell (2006)
Lisey’s Story (2006)
The Secretary of Dreams: Volume One (2006)
Blaze (2007) [by Richard Bachman]
Duma Key (2008)
Just After Sunset (2008)
Under the Dome (2009)
Blockade Billy (2010)
The Secretary of Dreams: Volume 2 (2010)
Full Dark, No Stars (2010)
11/22/63 (2011)
The Dark Tower: The Wind Through the Keyhole (2012)
Joyland (2013)
The Dark Man (2013)
Doctor Sleep (2013)
Mr. Mercedes (2014)
Revival (2014)
Finders Keepers (2015)
The Bazaar of Bad Dreams (2015)
End of Watch (2016)
Charlie the Choo-Choo (2016) [by Beryl Evans]
Six Scary Stories selected by Stephen King (2016)
Gwendy’s Button Box (2017) with Richard Chizmar
Sleeping Beauties (2017) with Owen King
The Outsider (2018)
Flight or Fright (2018) coedited with Bev Vincent
Elevation (2018)
The Institute (2019)
If It Bleeds (2020)
Later (2021)
Billy Summers (2021)
Gwendy’s Final Task (2022) with Richard Chizmar
Fairy Tale (2022)
Holly (2023)
You Like it Darker (2024)
Never Flinch (2025)

** Other Posts of Interest:
Richard’s SK Top Ten Novels List (as of the beginning of this re-reading process)

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  • Scott

    Thanks for the list. I might have to read ahead. I have recently read “Carrie”, “Salem’s Lot” and the “The Shining” but I’ve never read “Rage” so I might start there.

    • Chris

      Because of the content of Rage (school shooting), it was taken out of publication and I had a hard time finding it. Finally lucked out when the library had an old edition of the Bachman Books compilation which included it. Just a heads up.

      • I found that there was an audiobook on YouTube that hadn’t been taken down. It might still be there. The narrator was damn good, but the audio was quiet so I’d recommend wearing earbuds or downloading it and raising the volume using a video editing software.

    • Hollie Wilson

      Rage is not what I expected when hearing it was about a school shooting. Overall it’s one of my favorite books though. Definitely worth the hunt!

  • Rick

    Thanks for the list. But I thought Eyes of the Dragon was published in 1987, no?

  • Whew! I’m not missing any of his fiction works. I counted The Bachman Books as one and not four novels. I am missing some non-fiction. So, I need to buy those STAT.

  • marinindy

    Ok, I’m set! I counted the Bachman Books as one, also. I do keep searching the tag and yard sales for those original paperbacks, tho 😉

  • Dana Louise

    I read CARRIE on Halloween… I don’t think I had ever read it… What a wonderful book… Beautiful writing… Sue Snell- a name that will haunt the edges of my subconscious for awhile… I can’t say how happy I am to be pushed to revisit all these books in order… apparently making a few new book friends as I go… Time to go through the list you just posted and see what books I’m missing… Thank you for the list!

  • Gregg Lang

    Check, check, and check. Got em all, including the individual original paperbacks of Bachman. Still waiting for my 1st signature though.

  • Joann

    Thanks for the list! Tried to keep up on the Works By SK list from his website, only need to find The Secretary of Dreams Vol.1. May order ebooks for the ease of reading. Looking forward to the upcoming DC Revival book tour trip. Even if I don’t acquire a signed book, I enjoy listening to SK. My husband is more into reading software code, but does appreciate Stephen’s wit and humor. Happy reading!

  • Scott C.

    I did this re-read a couple of years ago; I stopped at The Colorado Kid (that and the rest next year, maybe.) It is/was/will be an amazing journey.

  • Jan Roubal

    I started reading Stephen King from the beginning. I had to wait for the paperback to come out because I couldn’t afford the hardback. What a long wait each time! Now I have all of them in hardback and my hubby buys me each new book the day it comes out. I still have the old paperback and you can tell they have been read & re-read over and over. My favorite is The Stand. I have both the original release and the extended release. I’m now trying to collect all his movies on DVD. Just love Stephen King!

    • Mary Goetzinger

      Jan, I have many Stephen King movies and no longer wish to keep dvd’s. If there are any you need, please contact me and I’ll see if I have them. I would want them to go to someone who will really cherish them. 🙂


      I’ll try to get a list together if you want to send me a private message thru email to see if I have anything you need.

  • Loving the title The Bazaar of Bad Dreams!

  • Interesting. Both versions of The Stand, but only one version of The Gunslinger (presumably the original)?

    • We hadn’t yet discussed reading the revised version of The Gunslinger, but it might be added to the list!

      • Cool. I’ve read the revised version four times, but never read the original. Worth the read, or will it just confuse me? (I think I already know the answer..) 😛

        • I don’t think the original will confuse you at all. The revised version mostly added some foreshadowing and fixed some cultural references that didn’t work for the series as it developed, if I recall correctly!

          • Hans Curtis

            my question is, if both versions of the STAND are on the list, does that mean both versions will be read? as Richard is reading THE STAND right now, and from the picture posted, it would be the first edition paperback. This means he is reading the shorter version. when he gets to the publication date of THE STAND uncut, will he be reading that entire version as well?

  • Kim Stone

    Haven’t heard of the last two. Finders Keepers and Bazaar of Bad Dreams. Where can I find out out those?

    • Finders Keepers is the follow-up to Mr. Mercedes and will be published in June 2015. The Bazaar of Bad Dreams is a new short story collection and will be published in the fall of 2015. I believe King has said it collects 20 of his stories, so it should be a pretty big book.

  • I have a question regarding 2 books I don’t find in this list, 1 that maybe should be and 1 that I’m not sure about. The first is ‘Secret Windows: Essays and Fiction on the Craft of Writing’. This was published in 2000 and says Biok-Of-The-Month-Club at the bottom of the title page so I’m not sure if it belongs here or not. The other is ‘The Diary of Ellen Rimbauer’. This was published in 2001 and was also a made for TV movie. It says nothing about King on it but I had always been led to believe he had something to do with either the book or the movie. Can any one clear that up for me? Thanks. -Lyn

    • Thanks for asking!

      As of right now, Rich isn’t including Secret Windows because it was a Book of the Month Club only title, but that could change if enough readers disagree and think it should be included.

      The Diary of Ellen Rimbauer was actually written by Ridley Pearson.

      • Did King have anything to do with either the Diary book or the movie? I remember watching it because somewhere there was an ad stating he was involved. Of course that was a few years ago so maybe I’m just remembering it incorrectly. Thanks for the reply!- Lyn

        • Other than it being based on Rose Red, I don’t recall him really being involved, but I’m sure someone else will correct me if I’m wrong!

          • King was only involved insofar as Rose Red was his story and it was his suggestion that fellow Rock Bottom Remainder Ridley Pearson write the tie-in novel when ABC suggested it. Pearson was heavily involved in the movie that was made from the diary, but King had nothing to do with it.

          • Theresa Turnbull

            He WAS the pizza delivery guy in Rose Red though…lol

  • By any chance, will Secretary of Dreams, vols 1 and 2 be rereleased by Cemetery Dance so those of us following along can read them too? 🙂

    • I’d second that.

      However, I don’t think the books belong on this list. They didn’t contain any new stories by King, so essentially you’d just be reviewing the artwork. Which would be interesting — but surely that would then mean that the project ought to include comics, movies, and other adaptations as well, right?

  • Linda Przygoda

    I, too, would like to be able to buy Secretary of Dreams, vols I and II through Cemetery Dance. My husband and I recently retired, and I have a very full plate for the next few months until we sell the house in the Frozen North and finish moving to sunny Florida. I do plan, however, to start reading along and catch up with Richard and the other Constant Readers as soon as I can!

  • Lanny McKay

    You know,those of us who have read Mr. King’s short story collections have never been disappointed, so it’s strange that perhaps he hasn’t been recognized enough in this venue. However, when you look at the number of movies that have been made from his short stories, you know his talent is obvious. I LOOK FORWARD to the publication of his The Bazaar of Bad Dreams!!!

      • Yet nevertheless it was published (albeit only online). If King had not yet managed to finish “The Dark Tower” (which, to some degree, he admits he hasn’t), would those books be left off?

        • I’m definitely willing to listen to the argument for re-reading the eBook of The Plant, even if it was only “Part One” and never finished beyond that point. I shall mention it to Richard during our next meeting. At the very least, it’s an interesting piece of Stephen King history…

          • To me, it feels like too substantial a work to skip. Plus, it’s pretty good! I keep hoping he’ll turn his eye back toward it one of these days.

            While I’m at it, I might as well also make a case for “Silver Bullet.” It’s just a screenplay, sure, but (like “Storm of the Century,” which is on the list) it WAS published as a book.

  • David Rasch

    Read my first Stephen King this year – at age 64! It was 11/233/63. I was 13 at the time. Since then I graduated (?) to the Dome then the Stand, lastly the entire Dark Tower series.
    Bought each movie after I read the book. All but The Dome were really good. Buying a book then seeing the movie or vice versa, remembering I’ve read A LOT of books up until now, is a quirk I am proud of. I can do this as I am disabled, both social security and veterans, so I have the time to indulge.
    If anyone would care to comment, I am unsure about collaboration books. I don’t know how that works; how an author does this type writing.

    • Tarana

      Read the Green Mile, then watch the movie. Almost word for word. I even have a copy of the screenplay awesome adaptation

  • I’m a constant reader who not only loves Stephen’s stories but his Afterword. I also love his use of music throughout his stories. Stephen writes his beginnings with mounting urge to read more and doesn’t disappoint as the story progresses to its crescendo. I enjoyed the first three of the Dark Tower series. One of my favorites is “Dolores Claiborne.” I also enjoy your short stories and noticed a similarity to some of the Classic Horror stories by Robert Louis Stevenson and Edgar Allan Poe. You outdid your writing with the Green Mile and Shawshank Redemption. One of my favorites is “The Girl who loved Tom Gordon.” One of my favorites was “On Writing: A Memoir of the Craft.” Will be a Constant Reader for as long as you write. You write as if you are talking directly to me….very private and personal. Thank you for surviving unsurmountable pain and healing to continue your works. See you in the words….Paula Baskette

    • David Rasch

      I, too, have noticed Mr. King’s love for music. I look for literary allusions and outright authors’ names and titles. For me, Mr. King’s books ‘read themselves’. I’ve read authors in this and other genres who take a LONG time, if ever, developing my interest as the way Mr. King does.
      I have also been to Maine. It was 1970. Maybe not the same as staying in a Motel 6, but close.

  • jerry

    is the “The Dark Tower: The Wind thru the keyhole” 2012, the Dark Tower 8?

  • Pingback: Revisiting ‘Salem’s Lot by Richard Chizmar | Stephen King Revisited

  • Linda T-M

    I bought Secretary of Dreams, Vols II — but somehow miss Vol. I. I am quite a hard time finding that volume published by Cemetary Dance. ????? Bummer. Any suggestions? Linda

  • I think this is an amazing this to do! Being unemployed with health issues right now and having to help my family make it through the holidays, I can’t afford to go out and buy a bunch of SK books. At only 23, my collection right now is kind of small and i would love to take that journey with you. King is one of the reasons i was inspired to self-publish four books and continue to write through my struggles now. But since I can’t read a long, i’ll read and enjoy these posts! It should be an awesome ride.

  • Hello! I was curious why some novellas and short stories didn’t make the Revisited list? I’m referring to UR, Throttle, Mile 81, In the Tall Grass, and especially A Face in the Crowd. Thank you for your time!

    • Hi Tara! We’re only covering short stories and novellas that have been collected in King’s collections or published as standalone editions like Blockade Billy. The collaborations with Joe Hill won’t be in the next collection due out in 2015, but some of the others you mention almost certainly will be, so they’ll be covered then. Thanks for asking!

      • Wasn’t My pretty pony published as a standalone? it is not included. Also I think for sure, Riding the Bullet and the plant need to be added. They were landmark ideas at the time. Displaying King’s foresight of the future of publishing. The revised editions of the Gunslinger and Salem’s Lot need to be included. If storm of the century is included then silver bullet has to be as it was published in book format. It may be hard to find, but so is Rage (as King pulled it from print). Secret Windows needs to be included as well, it is listed in the front of King works. I am assuming we are not including six stories, because it is impossible to get a copy for less than $750. Bottom line we should avoid cutting as many corners as possible.

        • Also to be considered: American Vampire Vol 1, Ghost Brothers of Darkland County, and Stephen King Goes to the Movies. An arguement can be made for each.

          • Thanks for the feedback, Gary!

          • Hans Curtis

            you can count CYCLE OF THE WEREWOLF as SILVER BULLET, as that is the book the film came from, RAGE is not that hard to find at all, millions of copies of THE BACHMAN BOOKS in its collected form are still easy to find at a used book price ( any more than $20 and you are getting robbed) both STEPHEN KING GOES TO THE MOVIES and SIX STORIES publish previously published material , same to all those who request SECRETARY OF DREAMS 1 and 2. .and RIDING THE BULLET is also in EVERYTHING IS EVENTUAL.

      • with blockade billy being listed as included in The Bazaar of Bad Dreams, is it going to be dropped from the list?

  • Ian Lever

    Might Richard consider recording his readings into audio books?

  • I love this “Stephen King Revisited” Re-Read Along.These are my guesses: you might not have read “Cycle of the Werewolf” and “Storm of the Century”. I didn’t even try guessing “The Plant”. As it seems, I am also, awaiting, a complete, affordable hardcover. I am loving the revisit of “the darkly frightening “RAGE”;ever more terrifying because of its seemingly; psychic, precognition; of our present exponentially increasing social situations. All The Best Mr. Chizmar, Regards, Ronald Scott Sippel.

  • Susan

    Where’s “Thinner” (written as Richard Bachman)?

  • I have already purchased Finder Keepers and look forward to its release. Is Cemetery Dance handling “The Bazaar of Bad Dreams” too? I want to pre-order that book also. Stephen King Rules!!!!! Many Thanks!

  • Scott

    Why was My Pretty Pony not addressed in one of the earlier posts? I have the oversized book and it is really good and should be on the list.

  • Wim Van Overmeire

    Is the e-book publication of Riding the Bullet that was published in 2000 different from the version of that story that was in Everything’s Eventual in 2002?

  • I was at a book signing for ‘Revival” and the guy in line in front of me was chatting everyone up. He turned to me and said, “So which Stephen King books have you read?” Me: “All of them.” What other answer could there be?

  • Sam King

    I have read all of the Stephen King books in the list except the illustrated ones – The Dark Man and Secretary of Dreams I and II (which are illustrations of existing short stories) – and Faithful (just could never get into it. I have read most of his books more than once. I have also read My Pretty Pony, which is not in the list.

  • How is Blockade Billy affected now that is it being included in The Bazaar of Bad Dreams? We have not included other books that are included into collections

    • That’s a good question. The other novellas like My Pretty Pony and Dolan’s Cadillac didn’t have trade editions for the mass market from SK’s New York publisher like Blockade Billy, so it is a little different in that sense, but it is also now in a collection. We’ll probably make a decision when we get closer!

  • new king book announced The Suicide Prince !

  • Please check the link to “Richard’s Thoughts” for Firestarter – it is incorrectly pointing to instead of []

  • Adam Hall

    What happened to Creepshow?

  • Patricia Denson

    I have been reading Stephen King’s books since I was 12. Have not missed one of his books !! Would never tell my age, but has been a long journey and have loved everyone !! He has a fantastic mind.

  • Wow!
    I love Stephen King and when i bought my first kindle in 2011, i decided to re-read all his books by order! Glad to see others doing and blogging about it!
    4 years passed, and i’m still not done 😀

  • Susan Morris

    What about the collections in Different Seasons and Four Past Midnight.

  • Nick

    I’ve been loving this. Thanks for all the work you’ve put in here.

    Was any thought given to including Nightmares in the Sky? Might be a bit insubstantial, but could make a good inclusion if for no other reason than to highlight the book for people who don’t know about it.

  • sKoT

    I started a re-read of all his books this past Summer. I am reading The Library Policeman from Four Past Midnight now. I cheated and read some Bazaar of Bad Dreams but who can blame me lol. I read Mr. Mercedes but have resisted Finders Keepers thus far. That will likely change when End of Watch is released as I am going to go see him for the reading, Q&A session in Dayton this Summer. Hoping to be one of the 400 picked for a signed copy. I have an early edition of Pet Sematary I would LOVE to have signed, the first book I read of his and by far my favorite every since. Trying to gather all his DVD’S now. I have Rose Red, IT, The Mist, Children of the Corn, Shawshank Redemption, the Green Mile, Creepshow & Dreamcatcher. Still have a ways to go lol. I have all his paperbacks and about 37 hardcover so that collection is coming on nicely :). Thanks for the comprehensive list and awesome site. Love that others love his work as much as I do to reread them all over again! I’ve read all his works at least once and my favorites at least a dozen times lol. Reading them chronologically makes it feel like a journey though. And like Roland I will probably restart the same journey over and over again for all my days…

  • Claire Anton

    The first Stephen King book I read was “Salem’s Lot” in 1975. We were living in Topsham, ME then. As I sat in the house it the evening reading the book I was scared out of my wits as I could picture all those ME sights. From then on, I was hooked. Thanks for all the joy you’ve brought to my reading life, Mr. King.

  • Stacey Kinnard

    I am one of your biggest fan I have ever book you have written even the ones under Bachman I have a hard copy and paper back I love all your books that’s all I own I will only read your books thank you for the wonderful books

  • Greg White

    I have a suggestion for Stephen King.Thinner in reverse entitle it Fatter make it about a gypsy curse making a thin guy fat and have it end with him dying from a heart attack.

  • Randy

    I never knew that there was a last book in the dark tower series the wind through the keyhole Wow!!

  • Simon Edwards

    When are you going to put up more reviews and comments of the books? They are the next best thing to reading King

  • Niknak

    What about Secret Windows: Essays and fiction on the craft of writing from 2000? Not the usual… I think he did it exclusively for his book club members.

  • G

    Is there anywhere to see a list in the order books were written, including the Bachman ones, and not the order that they were published? Thanks!

    • Bev Vincent compiled this list for the early stuff, through 1984. After that, we think it can be assumed things were pretty much in sequence:

      1965-1966 Unpublished: The Aftermath
      1966-1967 The Long Walk
      1968 Unpublished: Sword in the Darkness
      1966-1971 Rage
      1970-1981 The Dark Tower: The Gunslinger
      1972 The Running Man
      1973 Carrie
      1973 Blaze
      1973 ‘Salem’s Lot
      1973-1974 Roadwork
      1974 The Shining
      1975-1976 The Stand
      1976 Two incomplete novels: Welcome to Clearwater and The Corner
      1977 The Dead Zone
      1977 Firestarter
      September 1977 – March 1981 Cujo
      February 1979 – December 1982 Pet Sematary
      1979 Christine
      1979 Danse Macabre
      September 9th, 1981 -December 28th, 1985 It
      1982-1986: The Dark Tower: The Drawing of the Three
      1982-1983 The Talisman
      1982 Incomplete: The Cannibals
      August 19th, 1982 – May 19th, 1987 The Tommyknockers
      1983 The Eyes of the Dragon
      September 23rd 1984 – October 7th 1986: Misery
      1984 Thinner

  • Gwendy’s Magic Feather is missing. Still holding out hope this site will come back, even if it’s picked up by someone else.

  • Paul stabile

    Thanks as well to SK for recommending works by John D. McDonald, John Sandford, Elmore Leonard , Robert Parker ,Michael Connelly and C. J. Box over the years. I managed to read all their works with pleasure as well as Stephen’s. I have read many others but these are the outstanding few that make the cut…..Paul.

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